Life Process Program

Dr. Stanton Peele's Online
Life Process Program
The Life Process Program, like many of Dr. Peele's endeavors, was eons ahead of its time. Originally forming the core of one of the only truly non-12-step addiction in-patient treatment programs in the US, Dr. Peele moved it online several years ago in order to widen the reach of his message and make it available and affordable for anyone. It is still cutting edge in content and platform and other online programs are just now starting to appear.
Stanton Peele, Ph.D., J.D.
Stanton Peele is one of those revolutionary thinkers whose ideas are 40 years ahead of their times and are just now truly coming into fashion. He forged ahead with ideas that changed the landscape regarding love and so-called co-dependent relationships, he has steadfastly held firm against the disease model as well as models based on moral failure, is one of the earliest proponents of harm reduction, and led the way against coerced AA attendance, based on its religiosity.
In a nutshell, Dr. Peele believes that human beings are designed to live with passion and purpose and meaning that we create for ourselves.
How the program works.
There are a number of modules addressing the key aspects of addiction presented through a combination of video, reading material, and written exercises. It's a subscription program designed to last about 4-6 months, but there's no pressure, and you set the pace.
The core of the program is in the interaction between coach and client in the written exercises, where dedicated coaches provide individual feedback for every exercise the customer responds to and develops a truly supportive relationship with their clients.
Additional features include a free 20-minute coaching session to introduce and get you started with the program. There is a weekly informal video chat meeting and a private Facebook group as well.
Your Own Personal Coach
Inexpensive 1:1 coaching is available for subscribers at moderate cost.
Each coach has been personally vetted and trained in the Life Process Program philosophy and its practical application within a coaching relationship.
Most people are not all that great at coping with life. For those of us with addictive issues, we are really at a significant disadvantage in this regard.
It's a really great program that anyone could benefit from in terms of reviewing and setting direction in life. It is a focused and structured, step by step way to look at where we are in life, how we have handled things to date and how we can move forward, with improved skills and renewed focus to improve it!
Check it out. If you sign up, please mention that I referred you so I can get a small commission, and if you're interested in working with me directly there, please let them know that when you sign up.